Sunday, February 2, 2014

February Poetry Week: it begins...

look, I made a banner thing!

Oh hey, there! Welcome to a week of poetry. This week of poetry prompts was originally created by the Wilde Workshop to prepare us for National Poetry Writing Month. There will be one more in March, before NaPoWriMo starts. We will be work-shopping these prompts privately, but I wanted to share this practice with y'all, in case you find it useful.

The goal of this practice is to challenge yourself to write a poem-a-day. Each day of this week, I'll post a prompt that you can use to get your creative mojo juicing. You don't have to consider yourself a poet to participate! I'd like to invite you to join us by posting your poems, inspiration, prompts that work for you, and encouragement in the comment section. Maybe we can motivate each other to make it happen!

Not every poem you write this week will be good, or even mediocre. Writing is hard and we can't hit the perfect note every time we put pen to paper, or finger pads to keyboard, but we have to work our creative muscles so when we do hit the note, we can sing the whole song. It's a silly metaphor, but it's true.

Your first poetry prompt is to use the following words in a poem: cinnamon, Osage orange, molecular.

They don't have to be in any particular order and if it works better plural or as an adjective, do it. As long as the root stays intact. No particular length or form.

Have fun! Can't wait to see what y'all have up your sleeve :)

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